Prayer Resources

When Jesus died on the cross, the veil in the temple separating God from the people was torn open. Jesus gave us direct access to God. As Christian’s we can approach God in prayer and know that He will answer us. Here are some resources to help grow your prayer life.

Why pray? Here is a link to seven reasons why.
Want to develop deeper prayer habits? Check out our church library within our prayer room for more resources on prayer. This booklet on prayer is also helpful.
Come Sunday mornings at 8:30 am to pray over the day’s worship. The Intercessory Prayer Team is available after worship in the sanctuary to pray with those who have individual needs and concerns.
Join one of our Prayer Chains.
Sign up for our Easter prayer vigil, in the lobby starting April 1st. The vigil runs the evening of Good Friday through Easter sunrise.
Want a daily reminder to pray?  Download an app on your phone. There is an app for our phone called Prayer Mate that is helpful in growing your prayer life.
Other resources on prayer:
Prayers for Pursuing God, Based on “The Pursuit of God”by: A.W. Tozer
Bolster your own prayer life by finding where you land on the chart of transformation stops. We should never stop growing! The good news is that the Holy Spirit wants to push us further into our relationship with him. Check out the video to get a better view of the big picture!