Forest Hills has a vision to be a church OF grow groups, not a church WITH grow groups.
You can be a Christian by belief, worship, and service, but in order to be a maturing disciple you need also to be growing in a small group. God calls us to Love.Grow.Serve., and we do this best when we are a church of grow groups. We offer three “seasons” of grow groups per year: Feb.-March, June-July, and Oct.-Nov. Talk to one of our pastors about what group could be a good fit for you.

Wednesday Night
Forest Hills serves a FREE community dinner every Wednesday night from September through May. The meal is served from 5:30 – 6:15 p.m with grow groups immediately following. Our main programming runs September through May. Hope to see you there!
Women’s Groups
Rebecca Circle:
When: 3rd Tuesday of the month @ 10:00 a.m.
Where: Church Fellowship Hall
Contact: Lois Werhan at 651-464-3260
Description: This is a circle of the United Methodist Women. Any woman is welcome to join! We meet monthly for fellowship, refreshments, discuss mission outreach, and do a study together.
Sarah Circle:
When: 1st Thursday at Noon
Where: Church Fellowship Hall
Contact: Carol Humphrey, 561- 464-5370
Description: This is a circle of the United Methodist Women. Any woman is welcome to join! We meet monthly for fellowship, refreshments, discuss mission outreach, and do a study together.
Fellowship Groups
Join other adults in our community for days and evenings of food and fellowship. The above link provides you with dates and times of the different groups.