Jul 22, 2022
Lessons from Micaiah
Series: One Off Messages
The Old Testament is rife with stories we tend to avoid. But this week Pastor Andrew jumps into the deep end as we take a look at the words of the mostly unknown prophet Micaiah. Come and hear the word of the Lord as He speaks directly to you!
- Jul 22, 2022Lessons from Micaiah
Jul 22, 2022Lessons from MicaiahSeries: One Off MessagesThe Old Testament is rife with stories we tend to avoid. But this week Pastor Andrew jumps into the deep end as we take a look at the words of the mostly unknown prophet Micaiah. Come and hear the word of the Lord as He speaks directly to you!
- Jul 15, 2022Make the Countdown Count
Jul 15, 2022Make the Countdown CountBy: Cassi BetkerSeries: One Off MessagesThis Sunday Pastor Cassi shares the call of Deuteronomy 6:1-9. It is not only to personally live out the Shema (we'll hear what that is too,) but to also pass it on to the next generation.
- Jul 8, 2022Abundant and Eternal Life
Jul 8, 2022Abundant and Eternal LifeBy: Pastor DavidIn his second-to-last message at Forest Hills, Pastor David shares one more time a most crucial messages. He says, “There is no more important message I can bring. If you hear nothing else I have ever said, here this.” Be sure to come this Sunday to not miss this most essential of messages!
- Jul 1, 2022John Wesley’s House of Salvation
Jul 1, 2022John Wesley’s House of SalvationBy: Pastor DavidJohn Wesley is the founder of Methodism, and he explained biblical salvation as a house. This Sunday Pastor David urges us to enter this house and to choose to really live there. But that means living differently than out on the streets. It’s time to change where we live!
- Jun 16, 2022The Covenant
Jun 16, 2022The CovenantBy: Pastor DavidPastor David continues his final series he believes are key biblical messages. This Sunday he takes us on a whirlwind journey through the entire Bible to see it’s core theme of Covenant. We are invited into a loving-relationship with God, and this is our most treasured possession!
- Jun 16, 2022Obstacles to Faith
Jun 16, 2022Obstacles to FaithBy: GuestSeries: One Off Messages
Teresa Gruber shares with us four obstacles that tend to trip us up in our walk with Christ. It’s easy for us as Christians to be worried about what other people think of how we live out our faith. Are we ever guilty of this? Come this Sunday to learn how we can avoid these attitudes.
- Jun 10, 2022Holy Spiritians
Jun 10, 2022Holy SpiritiansBy: Pastor DavidIn this count-down message series, Pastor David reviews key biblical teachings for living as disciples of Jesus. This Sunday we engage again how Christians are filled with the Holy Spirit, who transforms us from the inside out. This makes all the difference: making us different, and making us live differently. God calls us to be holy in heart and life.
- Jun 2, 2022Shining in Darkness
Jun 2, 2022Shining in DarknessBy: Pastor DavidThis Sunday is a great day: it’s Holy Communion, it’s Graduation Sunday, and it’s Pentecost! We celebrate that God has given His Holy Spirit to live in us as His Light to shine in us and out through us! Pastor David will be using the object of a flashlight to help our graduates (and all of us) learn how God calls us to shine in the darkness!
- May 27, 2022Live Ready
May 27, 2022Live ReadyBy: Pastor DavidSeries: RejectedThis Sunday we finish our “Rejected” series (and yes, we will have one last panel sharing) but also finish reading through Luke. We may have only made it half way through Luke, but Chapter 12 is a great place to stop, as Jesus is talking about the End Times. In order to be ready for His return, we must watch, take God seriously and remain faithful. This is perhaps the best application for us today to live as disciples of Jesus as Luke taught us!
- May 20, 2022“Jesus Preaching”
May 20, 2022“Jesus Preaching”By: Pastor DavidSeries: RejectedWe listen as Jesus teaches us about right priorities, how we must live in the world, but to not become obsessed with it. He guides us that we can live centered, wholesome lives marked by inner peace when we place our primary focus on eternal life. We listen to Jesus, again with the help of a panel, listening for how we are to live today.
- May 13, 2022Harsh Words
May 13, 2022Harsh WordsBy: Andrew BonsellSeries: RejectedIt’s so good to have a panel of disciples help us read this week’s passage from Luke. Jesus is condemning the religious leaders for things that we know we do, too! We learn this Sunday how to guard against religious hypocrisy and legalism. Instead, we are to be filled with God’s Light, and then shine out God’s Light so others can see!
- May 5, 2022Prayer in Practice
May 5, 2022Prayer in PracticeBy: Pastor DavidSeries: RejectedPastor David & Panel (Reese, Marilee, Sherry) Three mothers make up our message panel this week as we listen to Luke 11:1-18. The theme is Prayer in Practice, and after hearing Jesus teach us how to pray, we also hear how we are to live by prayer. Jesus also talks about spiritual warfare, but it all comes down to putting God’s word into practice. This Sunday we listen to the faithful wisdom of mothers for how to pray and follow Jesus better.
- Apr 29, 2022Occupied by Serving
Apr 29, 2022Occupied by ServingBy: Pastor DavidSeries: RejectedServing others in love is commanded by God, but sometimes we can do it just too well! We continue in our Rejected Series with Luke 10:25-42. Our guest panel members from the congregation are Duane Dittberner, George Mix and Lijuan You. They will be helping us wrestle with how to serve...and how NOT to serve!
- Apr 24, 2022“Sent Out”
Apr 24, 2022“Sent Out”By: Pastor DavidSeries: RejectedLuke 10:1-24 Pastor David & Panel (Tracy, Vicky and Gina)After Easter we begin a new series, "Rejected," as we see in Luke 10-12 that Jesus’ popularity is fading and He is starting to be cancelled by powerful people. His message becomes more difficult to receive as He is pointing out sin, calling people to put away selfishness and to embrace self sacrifice. We are trying out a new experiment: each Sunday during the message we are having a panel of three folks from the church give their insights and inspirations on the reading that week. Come and hear them share what the story of Jesus in Luke means for living as a faithful disciple today.
- Apr 15, 2022The Easter Miracle
Apr 15, 2022The Easter MiracleBy: Pastor DavidSeries: MiracleThe greatest miracle in human history was Jesus’ resurrection that first Easter. But celebrating that miracle is meaningless unless we make Jesus our risen Lord. This Sunday we proclaim the greatest miracle of our lives: Jesus is alive in us...and that changes everything!
- Apr 8, 2022Following a Failure
Apr 8, 2022Following a FailureBy: Pastor DavidSeries: MiracleThis Sunday we join the excited crowds who wave palm branches to welcome Jesus. But why are we waving palms for Jesus? Do we greet Him as He comes, or as the way we want? This Sunday we’ll discover that Jesus invites us to follow Him in sacrifice and self denial.
- Apr 1, 2022Halfway Turn
Apr 1, 2022Halfway TurnBy: Pastor DavidSeries: MiracleIn Luke 9 we come to the halfway point of Jesus’ earthly ministry, and something changes. Jesus becomes very focused on heading to Jerusalem. His teaching changes, too. Now He talks more about sacrifice and suffering. If we are to keep following Jesus, we need to decide to embrace self sacrifice like Jesus has. The road just got harder!
- Mar 25, 2022Sharing the Bread
Mar 25, 2022Sharing the BreadBy: Pastor DavidSeries: MiracleThis Sunday we finish the first half of Jesus’ earthly life in Luke and begin the second. Up until now Jesus has been wildly popular. But in Luke 9 Jesus talks about how He must suffer and die. Jesus then invites others to pick up their crosses and follow Him! As you can tell, it’s not going to be easy this Sunday. But it’s time to get real!
- Mar 22, 2022Love: Beyond Fear
Mar 22, 2022Love: Beyond FearSeries: One Off Messages"This is how we know we’re living steadily and deeply in him, and he in us: He’s given us life from his life, from his very own Spirit. Also, we’ve seen for ourselves and continue to state openly that the Father sent his Son as Savior of the world. Everyone who confesses that Jesus is God’s Son participates continuously in an intimate relationship with God. We know it so well, we’ve embraced it heart and soul, this love that comes from God. God is love. When we take up permanent residence in a life of love, we live in God and God lives in us. This way, love has the run of the house, becomes at home and mature in us, so that we’re free of worry on Judgment Day—our standing in the world is identical with Christ’s. There is no room in love for fear. Well-formed love banishes fear. Since fear is crippling, a fearful life—fear of death, fear of judgment—is one not yet fully formed in love. We, though, are going to love—love and be loved. First we were loved, now we love. He loved us first."
- Mar 11, 2022Demons & Death
Mar 11, 2022Demons & DeathBy: Pastor DavidSeries: MiracleThe last half of Luke 8 is about Jesus facing demons and death. These are perhaps the scariest powers we face in this life. Jesus shows up, speaks life, and both are easily defeated. We face powers and death every day, in a thousand ways. But when we keep our trust in Jesus, we are restored and go in God’s peace. That’s the Gospel!