Sep 2, 2018

Have you noticed that we often end prayers with two important phrases? One is, “In Jesus’ name I pray,” and the other is “Amen.” This Sunday, we’ll discover how these two phrases are key to praying in a way that transforms you! Prayer unleashes the saving power of Jesus, and our prayers put us in alignment with that. Come and take on this life-changing “labor” of prayer!

  • Sep 2, 2018Amen
    Sep 2, 2018

    Have you noticed that we often end prayers with two important phrases? One is, “In Jesus’ name I pray,” and the other is “Amen.” This Sunday, we’ll discover how these two phrases are key to praying in a way that transforms you! Prayer unleashes the saving power of Jesus, and our prayers put us in alignment with that. Come and take on this life-changing “labor” of prayer!

  • Aug 26, 2018Thank You!
    Aug 26, 2018
    Thank You!
    Tell God “Thank you!” We must do this in all situations: when things are going well and we have what we want, and when things are going badly, and we find little to be thankful about. This Sunday we’ll engage giving God thanks in a creative, participatory way. So, no matter what your personal situation, come ready to say “thank you” to God in many ways!
  • Aug 19, 2018They Need You
    Aug 19, 2018
    They Need You
     “Brighten the corner, where you are!” God has placed you in this world in a certain place, at an intentional time, and with specific people: all on purpose. Part of the work that God has for you to do is to touch the lives of the people that God places within your sphere of influence. God is orchestrating connections to people in your life, because they need your prayers! This Sunday we’ll work on our prayer lives to deepen our prayers for others. It is important, daily, God-given work for you!
  • Aug 12, 2018I Need You
    Aug 12, 2018
    I Need You
    One of the main reasons we talk to God is to ask for help. This may seem selfish to some degree, but we do it anyway because of a bedrock truth: God wants to help us! Actually, we need to ask for it more, because one of our crippling problems is that we have a tendency to insulate our lives too much from God! This Sunday we will learn to be more bold in asking for God’s help, but asking in a way that keeps God in charge. Come ready to pray!
  • Aug 5, 2018You are Good
    Aug 5, 2018
    You are Good
    Do you slip into appreciating God only because of what He can do for you? Do you sometimes take God for granted, and seek Him out only when you want something? Our God is so amazing, and because He showers amazing blessings on us, we can begin to focus only on what He does (or doesn’t do) for us. This Sunday we’ll continue our prayer series by learning to focus not on the benefits we get from God, but on God’s amazing character. And when we do, we will find our prayer life, and all of our lives, transformed! God is good...all the time!
    Powerpoint 8.5.18   Church@home
  • Jul 8, 2018O Foolish Christians
    Jul 8, 2018
    O Foolish Christians
    What voice do you listen to? There are lots of loud voices clamoring for your attention and allegiance. As Jesus-followers we choose to listen to the voice of Jesus. Yet that is not always easy to do! The Galatians in the Bible had trouble focusing on Jesus' voice as they lived their daily struggles. Pauls' word to them helps us to stay focused! 
  • Jun 17, 2018Mature Life
    Jun 17, 2018
    Mature Life
    Series: Turning 21
    This Sunday is Fathers’ Day. We are to honor and give God thanks for your human fathers and for how they have shaped and influenced us in good and healthy ways. In worship, we will also turn to our Heavenly Father and learn how He wants to shape and mold us into what He intends for us to be. This is holiness. This week we will see this means inner maturity of our hearts affecting our outward maturity in how we relate to others. It’s a holistic deal!
  • Jun 10, 2018Turning 21 with Wesley – Mature Heart
    Jun 10, 2018
    Turning 21 with Wesley – Mature Heart
    Series: Turning 21
    Growing up into a mature Jesus follower is hard work. And it takes time! We have to work at it. We have particular problems with what we say, or as the Bible say, “what comes out of our mouths.” This Sunday we’re targeting the maturing of our hearts, for out of our mouths, the heart speaks! Oh yeah, and our money, too!
  • Jun 3, 2018Turning 21 with Wesley: “Mature Character”
    Jun 3, 2018
    Turning 21 with Wesley: “Mature Character”
    Series: Turning 21
  • May 27, 2018Turning 21 with Wesley: 21 Questions to Christian Maturity
    May 27, 2018
    Turning 21 with Wesley: 21 Questions to Christian Maturity
    Series: Turning 21
    We’ve read through 1 John together, and we’ve heard the calling to holiness. Holiness is essentially becoming a mature Christian. This Sunday we begin our next series, “Turning 21 with Wesley.” Over the next 21 days, we’ll ask ourselves 21 different questions that John Wesley first asked the early Methodists to help them grow into maturity. It’s time to grow up. It’s time to become mature. It’s time to “turn 21” as Christians!
  • May 20, 2018Sending Love
    May 20, 2018
    Sending Love
    Ever feel half alive? Do you kind of drift through your days? That’s not God’s intention. God intends eternal life for you. The amazing thing is, your eternal life has already begun! It’s not just for later. It’s for now, too! You have been given the Holy Spirit to make you fully alive now, and you have a calling to do. This Sunday we celebrate Pentecost, marking the coming of the Holy Spirit. But beware, you just might not leave the same as you come!
  • May 13, 2018The Second Half of the Gospel
    May 13, 2018
    The Second Half of the Gospel
    Usually we think about our salvation as something between God and ourselves. But 1 John pushes us into “the second half of the Gospel,” namely, that it is also about ourselves and others. Looking at our mothers helps us see what this love looks like. This Sunday we’ll dive deeply into God’s love, and experience how His first love for us pushes us to love others in the same way.
  • May 6, 2018Pure Kids
    May 6, 2018
    Pure Kids
    You’re created new. You’re different now. When you choose to follow Jesus, He changes you. That means we have to actively and intentionally give up our former ways that God doesn’t like. We need to let them go. We need to live into the identity we have in Jesus. We are God’s kids, and our heavenly Father wants us to stop sinning. This Sunday we’ll see how John says that we can stop sinning if we start loving. Let’s learn to love!
  • Apr 29, 2018Anointed!
  • Apr 22, 2018Partial Commitment Doesn’t Cut It
    Apr 22, 2018
    Partial Commitment Doesn’t Cut It
  • Apr 8, 2018Love Is Something You Do
    Apr 8, 2018
    Love Is Something You Do
  • Apr 1, 2018I Give Up…..My Wisdom
    Apr 1, 2018
    I Give Up…..My Wisdom
    Series: I Give Up
  • Mar 25, 2018I Give Up……My Comfort
    Mar 25, 2018
    I Give Up……My Comfort
    Series: I Give Up
    March 25, 2018 Powerpoint
     March 25, 2018  Church@home
  • Mar 4, 2018I Give Up – Anxiety
    Mar 4, 2018
    I Give Up – Anxiety
    Series: I Give Up
     March 4, 2018 Part 2 Powerpoint
    March 4, 2018 Church@home
  • Feb 4, 2018I Never Will!
    Feb 4, 2018
    I Never Will!
    Series: At The Rail
    February 4, 2018  Powerpoint 
    February 4, 2018  Church@home