Sep 14, 2023
Series: The Chosen
This Sunday we will approach episode two of “The Chosen” and learn more about the importance of the Sabbath. Be sure to watch the show beforehand!
  • Sep 14, 2023Shabbat
    Sep 14, 2023
    Series: The Chosen
    This Sunday we will approach episode two of “The Chosen” and learn more about the importance of the Sabbath. Be sure to watch the show beforehand!
  • Sep 7, 2023“I Have Called You By Name”
    Sep 7, 2023
    “I Have Called You By Name”
    Series: The Chosen
    “The Chosen” is a smash hit miniseries based on the life of Jesus as found in the gospels. We will break down season one and enter into the story ourselves. Invite your friends to join in the discussion as we consider the first episode this Sunday!
  • Aug 31, 2023Dorothy Day
    Aug 31, 2023
    Dorothy Day
    Dorothy Day stood up for the poor and homeless in this world. Come and hear how Jesus changed her life!
  • Aug 24, 2023C.S. Lewis
    Aug 24, 2023
    C.S. Lewis
    C.S. Lewis, author of the beloved Narnia series, lived for many years as a staunch atheist. Come and see how he first experienced joy in the Lord!
  • Aug 17, 2023E. Stanley Jones
    Aug 17, 2023
    E. Stanley Jones
    E. Stanley Jones served the Lord as a missionary in India. Hear how God brought him this ordinary man into an extraordinary life.
  • Aug 10, 2023William Booth
    Aug 10, 2023
    William Booth
    General William Booth did not receive his title serving in the armed forces, but rather as the originator of the Salvation Army. Come this week to hear how this amazing man came to encounter our amazing God.
  • Aug 3, 2023Charles Spurgeon
    Aug 3, 2023
    Charles Spurgeon
    Charles Spurgeon is known as the “Prince of Preachers”, but how did he come to know Christ? Come this week and hear his story as we continue our sermon series, “Famous Conversions”.
  • Jul 27, 2023John Wesley
    Jul 27, 2023
    John Wesley
    Come this week to hear the story of John Wesley, the founder of the Methodism
  • Jul 20, 2023St. Teresa of Avila
    Jul 20, 2023
    St. Teresa of Avila
    St. Teresa of Avila was a Catholic nun who still needed to have a conversion experience with Jesus. Come and hear her story this week!
  • Jul 13, 2023Augustine
    Jul 13, 2023
    This Sunday, we will take a look at the conversion story of St. Augustine; an early church father who served as the Bishop of Hippo in North Africa.
  • Jul 6, 2023Paul
    Jul 6, 2023
    This week we begin our summer series on “Famous Conversions”! Come, as we review Saul’s story from the book of Acts and see how it impacts our own lives.
  • Jun 29, 2023For Freedom
    Jun 29, 2023
    For Freedom
    As we come up to the celebration of the founding of our country, we also celebrate our freedom from sin! Paul lays it all out for us in his letter to the Galatians. Come this week to learn how we can live into the freedom Christ offers us!
  • Jun 8, 2023“I Guess I Believe”
    Jun 8, 2023
    “I Guess I Believe”
    This week we celebrate Graduation Sunday as we see our graduates off to their next stage of life! Join us was we think through another cultural doctrine: God is the ultimate guess.
  • May 30, 2023Judge Not
    May 30, 2023
    Judge Not
    This week we will take a look at what our culture defines as sin: judging! Have we finally found a place where our culture and the bible line up? Join us this week to find out!
  • May 25, 2023Because I’m Happy
    May 25, 2023
    Because I’m Happy
    Join us this week as we continue our study of worldviews. We are going to look at the specific rule of our culture that says, “Happiness is the ultimate goal.” Come and see how a biblical perspective defines happiness.
  • May 18, 2023“I Have This Feeling”
    May 18, 2023
    “I Have This Feeling”
    Join us this week as take a look at a specific teaching of our culture that tells us that feelings are the ultimate guide. What are to make of our feelings from a biblical perspective? Come and find out!
  • May 11, 2023What is Morality?
    May 11, 2023
    What is Morality?
    Join us this week as we ask, “What is morality?” How can we determine for sure what is right and wrong? Come and see how a biblical worldview can provide guidance!
  • May 4, 2023Please Pass the Faith
    May 4, 2023
    Please Pass the Faith
    Confirmation Sunday and Holy Communion Generation Z, now more than any other generation, is at a crossroads of faith. Will the church step up and pass on the faith or will this generation continue to slide towards a lack of faith? While we may delegate the passing of the faith to ministries with the church or to paid staff, the passing on of the faith is the responsibility of the entire faith community. Come Sunday to figure out how we can do this together.
  • Apr 28, 2023What is Truth?
    Apr 28, 2023
    What is Truth?
    Join us this week as we ask, “What is truth?” How does a biblical worldview answer this question? And how can we share that answer with the rest of the world?
  • Apr 20, 2023In the Beginning
    Apr 20, 2023
    In the Beginning
    This Sunday we will compare and contrast different worldview answers given to the question, “What started the universe as we know it?”