Sep 23, 2022
Series: Best Friends
The bedrock of any relationship is trust. Our friendship with Jesus is no different! We pledge to live with faith in him, but what about the things he has entrusted to us? Join us this Sunday for the finale of our series “Best Friends”.
  • Sep 23, 2022Trust
    Sep 23, 2022
    Series: Best Friends
    The bedrock of any relationship is trust. Our friendship with Jesus is no different! We pledge to live with faith in him, but what about the things he has entrusted to us? Join us this Sunday for the finale of our series “Best Friends”.
  • Sep 15, 2022Self-Sacrifice
    Sep 15, 2022
    Series: Best Friends
    Our best friend Jesus gave himself up for us! Come this Sunday as we dig through scripture and learn how friendship with Jesus ushers us out of the shadows and into real life.
  • Sep 9, 2022Secrets
    Sep 9, 2022
    Series: Best Friends
    We all hold certain secrets, but when it comes to friendship, we consider these secrets a hindrance to the relationship. Why do we try to hide certain things from Jesus? Why do we try to hide Jesus from certain people? This week we are coming clean with our best friend!
  • Sep 2, 2022Disagreement
    Sep 2, 2022
    Series: Best Friends
    Being best friends does not always mean we have to agree on everything always. However, it usually means that we are in agreement on the main parameters of our worldview. Can friends disagree? What is simply a matter of opinion, and what is a truth claim made upon or lives?
  • Aug 25, 2022Shared Interest
    Aug 25, 2022
    Shared Interest
    Series: Best Friends
    Nothing is more encouraging and helpful than a best friend who will join you in some sort
    of cause or fight. When troubles come our way, we want someone in our corner who we can rely
    upon. It is also valuable to have a friend who appreciates what you regard as good. It’s easy to
    paint Jesus as this best friend, but what about our role? Do we love what Jesus loves? Do we
    engage in the same causes that Jesus fights for?
  • Aug 19, 2022Support
    Aug 19, 2022
    Series: Best Friends
    One of the great blessings of friendship is the support given from one person to another. Life is challenging and not meant to be tackled alone. Jesus can provide support for us in any and every situation, but maybe we need to consider how it is that we support the work of Jesus.
  • Aug 12, 2022Joy
    Aug 12, 2022
    Series: Best Friends
    Our friendships should give us joy. That doesn’t mean everything is always easy, but it does mean that we can add joy to our lives by spending time with these people. Jesus is no different. How often is he our source of joy? How can be better enjoy his presence?
  • Aug 5, 2022Best Friends: Loyal
    Aug 5, 2022
    Best Friends: Loyal
    Series: Best Friends
    Best friends are expected to be loyal and true. Our view of Jesus is no different. He would
    never backstab or malign us. What about our part? Are we loyal on our end? What does it look like to be loyal to a best friend that everyone seems to hate?