Mar 3, 2019
Disciples Make…A Difference
By: Pastor David
Series: Disciples Make...
This is the last of our Disciples Make message series, and we end strong...and visible! Being a disciple of Jesus is an inner journey of surrendering your selfishness. Yet it is also an outward journey into the world. Disciples make a difference in concrete, visible ways in their. This Sunday we’ll be commissioned to serve others in visible ways in our everyday lives.
- Mar 3, 2019Disciples Make…A Difference
Mar 3, 2019Disciples Make…A DifferenceBy: Pastor DavidSeries: Disciples Make...This is the last of our Disciples Make message series, and we end strong...and visible! Being a disciple of Jesus is an inner journey of surrendering your selfishness. Yet it is also an outward journey into the world. Disciples make a difference in concrete, visible ways in their. This Sunday we’ll be commissioned to serve others in visible ways in our everyday lives.
- Feb 24, 2019Disciples Make…Friends
Feb 24, 2019Disciples Make…FriendsSeries: Disciples Make...As we continue to explore what it means to be a disciple, we are discovering that following Christ involves every part of our lives, including other people! Our faith is not just a blessing for us, it is for those around us as well. Discover how Jesus calls us to befriend others and how we can be disciples in our relationships!
- Feb 17, 2019Disciples Make….Stands
- Feb 10, 2019Disciples Make…..God Talk
Feb 10, 2019Disciples Make…..God TalkBy: Pastor DavidSeries: Disciples Make...“The tongue is the mightiest weapon!” This quote rings true for each one of us! How we speak, what we say, is some of our greatest impact. This Sunday we’ll discover how disciples use their tongues for good. But it’s not just about not saying bad things and intentionally saying good things. It’s about filling our talk with God.
- Feb 3, 2019Disciples Make……Routines for Growth
Feb 3, 2019Disciples Make……Routines for GrowthBy: Pastor DavidSeries: Disciples Make...People often say, “Jesus I like, but not the Church,” or “I’m spiritual, just not religious.” The reality is that if we are just spiritual, we are not really growing spiritually. It takes the context, structure and accountability of a local church to push us to grow. Without that, we stagnate at where we are now. This Sunday we’ll explore how Disciples Make . . . Routines for Growth.
- Jan 27, 2019Disciples Make…..The Holy Spirit Their Guide
- Jan 20, 2019Disciples Make……Jesus #1
- Jan 13, 2019Disciples Make….Disciples!