Feb 9, 2023
Back to the Table
Series: Portions
We have been to the buffet of religious ideas. We have filled our plate with Christ. We have
denied any desire to mix in any man-made rules or traditions. Now, we head back to the table
to eat among those who have chosen to believe differently than we have. Join us this Sunday
as we hear Paul’s response to this situation.
- Feb 9, 2023Back to the Table
Feb 9, 2023Back to the TableSeries: PortionsWe have been to the buffet of religious ideas. We have filled our plate with Christ. We have denied any desire to mix in any man-made rules or traditions. Now, we head back to the table to eat among those who have chosen to believe differently than we have. Join us this Sunday as we hear Paul’s response to this situation.
- Feb 1, 2023A Mature Palate
Feb 1, 2023A Mature PalateSeries: PortionsAll throughout Colossians, Paul has highlighted the idea of being mature in Christ. It’s time for us to set aside the kid’s menu and catch a vision for what life could be like if we lived with a more mature palate.
- Jan 26, 2023You Are What You Eat
Jan 26, 2023You Are What You EatSeries: PortionsWe’ve all heard the old adage, “You are what you eat”, but is it really true? Come this week as we hear Paul’s take as he guides the church in Colossae.
- Jan 19, 2023Portions: Mystery Meat
Jan 19, 2023Portions: Mystery MeatSeries: PortionsThe world of religious ideas and information is vast and varied. It is much like having access to a stocked buffet. All the options lie before us but the apostle Paul encourages us to partake of Christ alone! Joins us as we make our way through the letter to the Colossians.
- Jan 12, 2023Portions: An Undivided Plate
Jan 12, 2023Portions: An Undivided PlateSeries: PortionsThe world of religious ideas and information is vast and varied. It is much like having access to a stocked buffet. All the options lie before us and we can pick and choose the ideas and beliefs we most prefer. But what to choose? Join us this week as we begin our study of this amazing letter and hear Paul’s answer to this important question.