Oct 9, 2016
“Can You Hear?”
By: Pastor David
Luke 4:14-21
Can you hear them? The quiet whispers all around us of those crying out for help. Oh, you may not be able to hear them with your ears. You may need to listen with your spiritual senses. But it is so important that you hear! This
Sunday we’ll listen with Horton Hears a Who and try to hear the voices of those we are called to help. When we do, we find that we hear the very voice of God!
![Image result for horton hears a who](http://hailagradinita.ro/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/horton-hears-a-who.png)
- Oct 9, 2016“Can You Hear?”
Oct 9, 2016“Can You Hear?”By: Pastor DavidLuke 4:14-21Can you hear them? The quiet whispers all around us of those crying out for help. Oh, you may not be able to hear them with your ears. You may need to listen with your spiritual senses. But it is so important that you hear! ThisSunday we’ll listen with Horton Hears a Who and try to hear the voices of those we are called to help. When we do, we find that we hear the very voice of God!
- Oct 2, 2016 “Buttering an Upside Down World”
Oct 2, 2016“Buttering an Upside Down World”By: Pastor DavidWe’re getting worse at getting along! Violent acts of racism, religious expression, and different philosophical perspectives are rampant. Most of the time we shake our heads and wring our hands. What to do? This Sunday we’re using Dr. Seuss’ The Butter Battle Book to reveal how acts of aggression towards one another leave everyone a loser. God’s way is very different. It requires embracing the radical practice of authentic love!
- Sep 25, 2016“You Are Enough, Plain and Simple!”
Sep 25, 2016“You Are Enough, Plain and Simple!”By: Pastor DavidMatthew 6:28-34Isaiah 43:1Mark Twain said, “Comparison is the death of joy.” Yet we all do it...all the time! And we suffer the loss of our joy because of it. It’s an epidemic in our culture! This Sunday, we’ll look at Dr. Seuss’ 'Gertrude McFuzz' to see the foolish ways we compare ourselves to others. But that’s not the end of it: we’ll then hear God’s loud declaration that you are enough! Don’t miss this Sunday when we discover our true worth.
- Sep 18, 2016Hanging Out in the Mud
Sep 18, 2016Hanging Out in the MudBy: Pastor DavidPhilippians 2:1-9Matthew 7:24-27Are you trying to get “up” in the world? Are you striving for success, comfort, a good life? How are you doing that? How do you treat others when you are “upwardly mobile?” This second message in our Dr. Seuss series uses his story Yertle the Turtle to hear God's command to love people where they are, and for whom they are. Come and discover how we can treat others as objects of our love and affection rather than objects of our selfish attention!
- Sep 11, 2016The Cat In the Hat
Sep 11, 2016The Cat In the HatBy: Pastor DavidIsaiah 1:15-20Revelation 21:1-5This Sunday we start our fall series, “It’s a Seusical Life: Discovering Creative Ways to Live as God’s Kids!” Dr. Seuss’s Cat in the Hat makes a good first impression: all he wants to do is have fun, but that fun leads to all kinds of messes and trouble. We’re kind of like this, wanting to pursue what seems right and fun to us, but discovering that when we live this way, our lives end up in a mess! Come this Sunday to see how God cleans up our messes and gives us a new start. It’s time for acleanstart!
- Sep 4, 2016The Sabbath of the Lord
Sep 4, 2016The Sabbath of the LordBy: Pastor DavidSeries: (All)Sermon:Exodus 20:8-11Leviticus 23:3Looking forward to your Labor Day weekend? It's the national holiday honoring the work we do all year long. Yet God thinks that His people need to do this more often...actually, once a week. We don't do this very well. We are so busy that all our days--including our days off--are full and busy. This Sunday we'll discover why God says we need to do a better job of this! Make a point to take a break from it all, and attend worship. You'll be glad you did!
- Aug 21, 2016“End of an Era”
Aug 21, 2016“End of an Era”By: Pastor DavidSeries: King David2 Samuel 22Psalm 18This Sunday we look at the final chapter of the life of King David. Conflict and strive continue for the aging king. Rather than peaceful years for him, David grows weary under rebellion, famine, and war. Yet David finds rests in God’s faithful care and has inner peace because of it. What do you hope for your retirement years? What do you do when they don’t go as you hope? Come learn how you can have inner peace by resting in a solid trust in God.
- Aug 14, 2016“The Open Window Shade”
Aug 14, 2016“The Open Window Shade”By: Pastor DavidSeries: King David2 Samuel 11:1 -12:24So far we’ve seen the brilliant hues of David’s faith and the somber colors of his failures. This Sunday we come to the blackest part of his portrait: David’s adultery with Bathsheba and its tragic aftermath. We don’t study this to condemn David, but to humbly learn. This story is Scripture to warn us of sin’s destructive power–even in those who love the Lord. We’ll learn the pain of judgement, but also the release of repentance, and even joy of forgiveness.
- Aug 7, 2016“The Shepherd King”
Aug 7, 2016“The Shepherd King”By: Pastor DavidSeries: King David2 Samuel 2:1 “Some time later, David questioned the Lord, ‘Should I go to one of the towns in Judah?’” “Yes, go,” the Lord told him. “Which one should I go to?” David asked. “To Hebron,” the Lord replied.”After years of running for his life from King Saul, the news finally came that Saul had died. Not only was David finally rid of his nemesis, the window opened for him to seize the throne! What did David do? He waited to be told what to do. What? Why didn’t he jump at the opportunity, you know, “Seize the day!” “Faint heart never won fair lady” and all. But David had learned from his painful mistakes, that he had to turn to the Lord for guidance. So David waited for God to guide his steps. This is a lesson we all need to learn. This Sunday we’ll explore how we can learn to make our decisions while “waiting on God.”
- Jul 31, 2016“Cave Dwelling”
Jul 31, 2016“Cave Dwelling”By: Pastor DavidSeries: King David1 Samuel 22:1-2, 1 Samuel 24Crutches can become problems. When we are experiencing difficulties, we lean on crutches to help support us and carry us while we are healing. Yet there comes a time when, in order to continue to heal, we need to remove the crutches. If we don’t, we will learn to depend on them in unhealthy ways. This Sunday we’ll look at how God removed the crutches that David was clinging to during his years of being on the run, and we’ll be reflecting on the crutches that God is calling us to put away so that we can live fully into our futures!
- Jul 24, 2016 “A Fast Friend”
Jul 24, 2016“A Fast Friend”By: Pastor DavidSeries: King David1 Samuel 18:1-5, 1 Samuel 20David had a fast friend in Jonathan. When we read this part of David’s story, we see that it is Jonathan who is the one who acts in a godly way, especially in the times of David’s struggles. Who has God placed as strategic friends in your life? How have they carried you through hard times? This week we’ll see what godly friendship looks like, and learn how we can be such a friend!
- Jul 17, 2016“The Giant”
Jul 17, 2016“The Giant”By: Pastor DavidSeries: King David1 Samuel 17:1-58Giants are strong! We try to tackle them in our own strength, and they overpower us. What giants do you face? Is there a giant opposing you in your relationships, in your fiances, in your family, in your marriage, in your health, in your job? A teenager named David faced a very tall man, but that man wasn’t his giant. David claimed God’s power in his battle, and “the giant came a-tumblin’ down!” Come this Sunday to hear how God gives this power to everyone who turns to Him. The secret is having a heart for God!
- Jul 10, 2016“Only a Boy Named David”
Jul 10, 2016“Only a Boy Named David”By: Pastor DavidSeries: King David1 Samuel15:24-16:13This Sunday we begin our summer message series on David. David was a famous king in the Old Testament, ruling about 1000 B.C. He was famous for killing the giant Goliath. Yet what makes him most interesting for us today is that he was a person much like us: he had his strengths and weaknesses, successes and failures, and although he loved God with his whole heart, he struggled to follow God’s leading in every part of his life. We’re going to take a closer look at David and see how we can also become people after God’s own heart. This Sunday we’ll take a look at his childhood as the shepherd of his family’s sheep. He was chosen to be the next king of Israel while still a lad, but this only put him into harm’s way. Don’t miss this first message as we explore how what we do in our “down times” often determines how we hold up in the important times.
- Jul 3, 2016Free to Be Slaves
Jul 3, 2016Free to Be SlavesBy: Pastor DavidSeries: (All)Free to Be SlavesGalatians 5:13-14 and Romans 6:15-18This Sunday is the Fourth of July weekend, and we're celebrating our nation's birthday and thinking about the meaning of liberty. We usually think about liberty as the freedom to be independent and life as we want...well at least as long as it is helpful for the general society. But as Christians, we think about liberty differently when it comes to our faith. We think of freedom from sin (thank you, Jesus) and therefore freedom for living as we choose. Christians freely and willingly choose to bind ourselves to slavery to Jesus. Don't miss this Sunday when we take a closer look at this shocking biblical truth: Christian freedom is choosing slavery to Jesus!
- Jun 12, 2016Productive Living
Jun 12, 2016Productive LivingBy: Pastor DavidSeries: Stepping Through the Open DoorTitus 3:1-15 Our new living as Christians matches our new identity in Christ. Our inheritance determines our future, and this affects how we live now. Paul calls Christians to devote themselves to doing what is good. Our God is a God of second chances! We may feel stuck and long for a new start. Good news, God grants it! Our past does not define our situation, and it no longer determines our future. Come this Sunday for our final sermon on Titus. Yet for all of us, it's not the end, butbecause of God, it's a new beginning!Titus 3:14 “Our people should learn to spend their time doing something useful andworthwhile.”
- Jun 5, 2016Being a Character Witness
Jun 5, 2016Being a Character WitnessBy: Pastor DavidSeries: Stepping Through the Open DoorTitus 2:1-10 Chapter 2 of Titus describes the kind of person God intends His followers to be. He describes the character of men, women, and those working for others. God wants to develop the character of His people to influence those around both in the church and also the wider community. God wants to develop our character. We are witnesses to others around us, both to other Christians, and to everybody else. How we live and what we do shows God to others. Come Sunday to hear about how God wants to develop you as a character witness to others around. How we live makes all the difference.Every day we are on the witness stand!!
- May 29, 2016Finding Your Way
May 29, 2016Finding Your WayBy: Pastor DavidSeries: Stepping Through the Open DoorTitus 1:5-16Exploring how we live on the other side of the open door, the link between gospel belief and gospel behavior. He helps us reorient the gospel to the center of our lives. The Book of Titus helps lay out how to live according to God’s promises.Who has God placed in your life to help shape you, form you, encourage you? Who are your role models, spiritual guides, advisors? This Sunday we go back to the book of Titus to see how we link gospel belief and gospel behavior. God knows we grow best when we have spiritual mentors to help us grow spiritually. Come and learn about the mentors God has provided for you, and how you can be one, too!
- May 22, 2016Finding Your Way
May 22, 2016Finding Your WayBy: Pastor DavidSeries: Stepping Through the Open DoorTitus 1:10-16How many doors are there in your life? Is your life a hallway of doors, each leading to a room that is a different part of our lives? Do you feel like you’re trying to juggle so many different parts, all the different compartments, all the different persons you are? This Sunday we begin our reading of the Book of Titus, written to help Jesus-followers see how to live on the other side of God’s open door. God intends for us to live unified, focused, centered lives. Come hear how to get your life together, aligning our behaviors with our beliefs. Time to live on the other side of the door!
- May 15, 2016Dry Bones Dancing Through the Door
May 15, 2016Dry Bones Dancing Through the DoorBy: Pastor DavidSeries: Stepping Through the Open DoorEzekiel 37:1-14Ever feel dry and dead? Brittle and lack of life? Stuck, going nowhere? Come this Sunday to hear how God’s power comes down upon us–both individually and as a church–and makes us alive again. We have God’s Spirit, who sends us dancing through the open door!
- May 8, 2016I Could Not, Would Not, Should Not Go
May 8, 2016I Could Not, Would Not, Should Not GoBy: Pastor DavidSeries: Stepping Through the Open DoorKnow what it’s like to run away from something God is calling us to? Sure! We all do. We wrestle with fear and stubbornness. Or, in language like Dr. Seuess, we say, “I could not, would not, should not go! I will not do what I am told. I will not ever be that bold! I will simply stay right here, even though the door is near!” Come this Sunday to hear how self-awareness is key to claiming the boldness to go forward. Oh yeah, and prayer, too!Jonah 1:1-3