Oct 27, 2019
Why Do We Buy That? – Acting Out

James 2:14-19, 24 

Jesus-followers don’t just sit around all day enjoying their personal relationship with Jesus. They do that while “on the road.” We live out our faith as we go and do. This Sunday we’ll learn how the Methodist Method includes growing by doing, or, put with a cliche, practice makes perfect! Teaser: There will also be treats!
  • Oct 27, 2019Why Do We Buy That? – Acting Out
    Oct 27, 2019
    Why Do We Buy That? – Acting Out

    James 2:14-19, 24 

    Jesus-followers don’t just sit around all day enjoying their personal relationship with Jesus. They do that while “on the road.” We live out our faith as we go and do. This Sunday we’ll learn how the Methodist Method includes growing by doing, or, put with a cliche, practice makes perfect! Teaser: There will also be treats!
  • Oct 20, 2019Why Do We Buy That? – Wanting It All
    Oct 20, 2019
    Why Do We Buy That? – Wanting It All
    Romans 12:1-2
    Have you noticed how you’ve subtly become addicted to wanting more...better...that next thing? It’s surprising just how sneakily that seeps into our lives! The way to counter the consumption of consumptionism is to live out your salvation every day. That means applying how you make Jesus your Lord not just when you become a Christian, but continually. This Sunday we’re learning to kneel before our Lord each and every day.
  • Oct 13, 2019Why Do We Buy That? – End with Forgiveness
    Oct 13, 2019
    Why Do We Buy That? – End with Forgiveness
    Ephesians 4:17-32 Being in relationships means dealing with the mess that other people dish out on us. It’s hard, even when it’s people we love. But our response is determined not by what they do, but by who rules inside of us. This Sunday we’ll re-frame retaliation and hear Jesus’ calling to forgive. Trust me, if you live in today’s culture, you need to hear this message!
  • Oct 6, 2019Why Do We Buy That? – Power in Numbers
    Oct 6, 2019
    Why Do We Buy That? – Power in Numbers
    Ephesians 4:1-16 World Communion Day  
    It’s easy to break a single stick. Yet when you hold a bunch of sticks, it is very hard to break them all together. Do you feel like you are cracking and splintering? Then you need to join the rest of the “sticks” this Sunday at worship. It’s World Communion Sunday and we’re celebrating how we have the Body of Christ as Jesus’ gift of support for us!
  • Sep 29, 2019Why Do We Buy That? – Inner Strength
    Sep 29, 2019
    Why Do We Buy That? – Inner Strength
    Isaiah 40:28-31, 41:10 Feeling overwhelmed and hopeless is becoming quite common. We struggle with more than we can handle. Do you feel at your wits’–and rope’s–end? Come this Sunday and hear the prophets speak of a strength that can carry you when you are weak. It’s an inner strength God provides, and it’s available to you!
  • Sep 22, 2019Why Do We Buy That? – Laughed At
    Sep 22, 2019
    Why Do We Buy That? – Laughed At
    Matthew 6:16-24
    “Come on, try it!” “Everyone’s doing it!” “Are you scared?” Our desire to fit in–and above all else not to be laughed at–is one of our most powerful motivators. Commercials know this and really leverage this cultural power against us. But Jesus says we need to be ready to be considered fools if we want to have true joy. Come this Sunday to gain resolve to stay on the path of life, no matter the hecklers!
  • Sep 15, 2019Why Do We Buy That? – Who are you?
    Sep 15, 2019
    Why Do We Buy That? – Who are you?
    John 6:26-71
    What do you find really satisfying? As you reflect on your life, do you find yourself running from thing to thing to find value and happiness? Are you growing weary of constantly seeking? Jesus said only He can satisfy your inner craving. Come this Sunday to discover how you can give Him a try to bring you inner wholeness.
  • Sep 8, 2019Why Do We Buy That? – Jumping in Scum
    Sep 8, 2019
    Why Do We Buy That? – Jumping in Scum
    Matthew 9:9-13  
    Why do commercials work on us? They offer satisfaction, meaning, and value in something we can buy. But we know better! Only Jesus offers the path of truly abundant life. Pastor David is back in September and will lead with a message series using commercial ads, “Why Do You Buy That?” We’ll uncover the ways we lose our focus amid the swirling media of advertising. We’ll expose our vulnerability to temptation, and we’ll get grounded again what really satisfies all the deep, inner longings of life. Our world creates a never-ending cycle of always needing that one more thing to be accepted or happy. Our church (Religion) tells us we just need to do that one more thing to be good enough. Jesus just says come! We “buy” this because we realize that we really are scum! Commercials prick this realization. Yet the answer isn’t buying their product, it’s turning to Jesus.
  • Sep 1, 2019Cultivate Self-Control
    Sep 1, 2019
    Cultivate Self-Control
    Romans 7:21-8:17
    Self-control rounds out Paul's listing of the Fruit of the Spirit. But how can we remain self-controlled in a culture that fosters addiction?  This Sunday, join us as we join Paul in a battle against ourselves, a battle that we can win!
  • Aug 25, 2019Cultivate Gentleness
    Aug 25, 2019
    Cultivate Gentleness
    2 Chronicles 10:6-16  
    The biblical qualities of meekness and gentleness are misunderstood and undervalued in today's society of extremes— where all too often people tend to angrily overreact.This Sunday we are asking and hopefully starting to answer the question; How do you cultivate gentleness in a culture like ours?
  • Aug 20, 2019Cultivate Faithfulness
    Aug 20, 2019
    Cultivate Faithfulness
    Hosea 1-14 We live in a world of impermanence and disposability, but faithfulness calls for steadfastness.  We're stuck in the middle. How to do we know what to preserve? This Sunday we will explore the implications of living with the faithfulness that God extends towards us. 
  • Aug 13, 2019Cultivate Goodness
    Aug 13, 2019
    Cultivate Goodness
    Luke 18:18-23; 23:32-43
    "Good" is such a generic word. It holds no weight and is actually used to describe something that is mediocre.  How should we understand the idea of goodness from a biblical perspective?  What effect does it have on our life of faith?  Come this Sunday and hear a "good" sermon about a great God!
  • Aug 4, 2019Cultivate Kindness
    Aug 4, 2019
    Cultivate Kindness
    Deuteronomy 8:11-18
    As we seek to live lives that produce the Fruit of the Spirit, we find that our culture does not actually work against the idea of kindness. Could this be one example where Christianity and the world intersect? If that were true, we would not need to preach a sermon about it!  
  • Jul 28, 2019Cultivate Patience
    Jul 28, 2019
    Cultivate Patience
    2 Peter 3:8-14 Sometimes life seems tailor made to test our patience.  It's easy to be short tempered and irritable. It is easy to treat time like another commodity. But God is calling us to live differently. Come this Sunday as we explore how to cultivate patience in a culture that values productivity.  
    This week, our message will be given by Pastor Andrew Bonsell. 
  • Jul 14, 2019Where do we go from here?
    Jul 14, 2019
    Where do we go from here?
    Series: Guest Sermon
    1 Corinthians 13:12 What does the Bible say that heaven looks like?  Are there sufficient scriptures to tell us? How do we get there? Come this Sunday and see what John and Paul say about heaven. 
  • Jul 7, 2019Cultivating Peace
    Jul 7, 2019
    Cultivating Peace
    "Cultivating Peace" Isaiah 26:3  We are consistently seeking peace in our lives, but seem to always come up short. Peace is elusive in a society where we consider faith to be a private matter. God's peace calls for wholeness in all areas of life, both private and public. Sunday we'll find out how to find peace and be a peacemaker. 
  • Jun 30, 2019Cultivating Joy
    Jun 30, 2019
    Cultivating Joy
    John 16:21-22
    Our world develops in us a taste for more and more. We naturally struggle to be content with what we have. This reality makes it very difficult to live in joy. Join  us this Sunday as we take a look at God's plan and learn how to cultivate joy in our lives!
  • Jun 23, 2019Pork Futures Take a Dive
    Jun 23, 2019
    Pork Futures Take a Dive
    Series: Guest Sermon
    We always say we welcome the stranger in our church.  Here's a challenge: what if  a homeless naked guy came in and started shouting as if he was possessed by demons?  How would we react?  I don't even know how I'd react. We know how Jesus would react, because he met a guy like this.  Other people would often bind the guy with chains.  Jesus decided to unbind him from his real trouble: he commanded the unclean spirit to leave the man. The demon didn't go easily.  It turned out there were many of them, not just one.  But Jesus sent the demons into some pigs, and the pigs drowned in a lake.  How do you suppose other people reacted when they saw that?  We'll find out on when we hear the sermon.
  • Jun 16, 2019Cultivating Love
    Jun 16, 2019
    Cultivating Love
    Cultivating Love" 1 John 4:7-11  
    Love is the first and primary fruit of the Spirit, but what exactly do we mean by "love"?  How can we cultivate love in our own lives despite the obstacles that our culture presents? Come this Father's Day to learn how you and I can better reflect the love of God! 
  • Jun 9, 2019It’s the Real Difference!
    Jun 9, 2019
    It’s the Real Difference!
    Do you speak two languages? Did you ever wish you could? God calls us to do it, every single day. Let's learn how today, as we begin our journey!