Sep 3, 2021
Daniel’s Prayer
 In the second half of the book of Daniel, we find him speaking a powerful prayer.  Like his life in general, we have much to learn from Daniel's example.  Come and see how we can pray with our mind on the past, our feet in the present and our hearts set on the future!
  • Sep 3, 2021Daniel’s Prayer
    Sep 3, 2021
    Daniel’s Prayer
     In the second half of the book of Daniel, we find him speaking a powerful prayer.  Like his life in general, we have much to learn from Daniel's example.  Come and see how we can pray with our mind on the past, our feet in the present and our hearts set on the future!
  • Aug 27, 2021Stand With
    Aug 27, 2021
    Stand With
    We end our series on Daniel with his most famous story: Daniel and the lion’s den. It’s pretty
    dramatic, but we’ll discover that once again, this story really isn’t about Daniel at all!
    Ultimately, it’s about us, and what we will do with God. Will we stand WITH God, no
    matter what? We’ll be listening to the Holy Spirit to hear what we each need to do to stand
    steadfastly WITH God.
  • Aug 20, 2021Stand Against
    Aug 20, 2021
    Stand Against
    Daniel chapter 5 tells of the destruction of Babylon and its haughty king. There are ways that we, too, live with little concern for our sin and neglect God. This Sunday we see “the writing on the wall” and are called to repent and turn fully to God. Our destruction can be averted!
  • Aug 13, 2021Stand Down
    Aug 13, 2021
    Stand Down
    In a strange twist, Daniel chapter 4 shows a pagan king proclaiming the true God! This Sunday we’ll learn about holy humility and how we need to come to God, and our whole lives, acknowledging that all that we have and all that we accomplish is by the grace of God.
  • Aug 8, 2021Stand Firm
    Aug 8, 2021
    Stand Firm
    God preserved the three faithful friends from the fiery furnace. But we discover the story is not really about them. It’s about God’s bigger plan. So, this Sunday we’ll learn that when we face the fires of life, we can trust in God to bring about His bigger plan. We must stand firm!
  • Jul 30, 2021Stand Up
    Jul 30, 2021
    Stand Up
    This Sunday we continue on in Daniel, the great prophet of the Old Testament. In the second chapter he faces certain death. Yet because of God’s Spirit directing him, he is faithful and God’s purpose is proclaimed. This Sunday we learn how we can be faithful in times of crisis and how when we do, God can use us to bring great blessing to others.
  • Jul 22, 2021Stand Out
    Jul 22, 2021
    Stand Out
    This Sunday we turn to Daniel to learn how we can live faithfully and steadily through the fires of life. Because of the Holy Spirit burning within us, we can do right no matter what we face! We begin with the Daniel as a teenager. He was presented with an amazing offer. The only problem is that it required him to compromise his beliefs. What did Daniel do? What do we do? Come learn how to Stand Out!
  • Jul 18, 2021Vital Faith Vital Congregation
    Jul 18, 2021
    Vital Faith Vital Congregation
    This week we have a guest, Rev. Dr. Peter Law. Law was the pastor at Forest Hills from 1983-1993. He will be bringing the message about Holiness and vitality. He will also be baptizing Annika Hansen, daughter of Mike and Jennifer Hansen.
  • Jul 11, 2021Backdraft
    Jul 11, 2021
    Are you feeling burned out? Do you need a resurgence of oxygen? Come this Sunday to hear how the Holy Spirit, the breath of God, can restart your fire and like a backdraft exploding outwards, so will your fire for Gospel go out from you.
  • Jul 2, 2021The Rockets’ Red Glare
    Jul 2, 2021
    The Rockets’ Red Glare
    Happy Independence Day! Are you singing the national anthem for our country this Sunday? Did you know it is actually a hymn about God? This Sunday we’ll see this song help us understand the biblical truths of seeing God in times of trouble and defeat. When we do, we will have a steady joy that carries us even through the worst of times. Our hope is secure in Jesus!
  • Jun 27, 2021Nudging of the Holy Spirit
    Jun 27, 2021
    Nudging of the Holy Spirit
    By: Guest

    Teresa Gruber will be preaching this Sunday on the nudging of the Holy Spirit. This Sunday we learn how to listen to the Holy Spirit's voice.

  • Jun 20, 2021Campfire Ghost Stories
    Jun 20, 2021
    Campfire Ghost Stories
    This Sunday is Camp Sunday! Come dressed like you are ready to go camping! Our church will be sending people to Bible Camp this week. And so, on Sundaywe all gather as a church like we would gather around a good campfire to hear good stories...ghost stories...HolyGhost stories! Don’t miss the stories, but beware, they may change you forever!
  • Jun 11, 2021Evidence of Fire
    Jun 11, 2021
    Evidence of Fire
     Every fire leaves evidence.  The work of the Holy Spirit burning within us is no different.  This week we ask, "Am I burning?"  We take a look inward as we examine our own lives for this evidence.
  • Jun 4, 2021Re-firing
    Jun 4, 2021
    Graduation Sunday is all about celebrating our graduates! We speak blessings over them, but we also tell the truth that life is full of setbacks and failures. But we also proclaim that when we live for Jesus, we are sustained by His grace that transforms our failures into beauty. This Sunday we’ll hear the good news of how in Jesus, we are new creations!
  • May 28, 2021Holy Heartburn
    May 28, 2021
    Holy Heartburn
    Those who follow Jesus have the Holy Spirit in our hearts, burning as an all-consuming fire. The Holy Spirit fills our hearts with total love for God and for others, and changes us from the inside out. This Sunday we’ll hear part of the story of John and Charles Wesley, and we’ll discover that we, like they, can have our hearts strangely warmed.
  • May 21, 2021The Church on Fire
    May 21, 2021
    The Church on Fire
    This Sunday we celebrate Pentecost Sunday. Pentecost is the birthday of the Church! We
    light the birthday candles and proclaim that God’s holy fire is given to live within each one
    of us. This changes everything! The Holy Spirit changes us from the inside out. He changes
    how we live each day. He changes the Church. He changes our world. This Sunday come
    asking for the Holy Fire to live–and burn!–within you!
  • May 14, 2021Answered Prayer
    May 14, 2021
    Answered Prayer
    Series: Strange FIre
    There are many gods we can pray to, but our key question is which one will answer us? This
    Sunday we go with Elijah to the top of Mt. Carmel where God as an all-consuming fire
    comes down in answer to prayer. Seeing this, we correct our worship and switch our
    allegiance wholly to this God who is real and who answers our prayers. Only the true God
    can be our true help.
  • May 7, 2021Fire of Protection
    May 7, 2021
    Fire of Protection
    Series: Strange FIre
    Our God is an all-consuming fire of protection. Just as good mothers protect their children,
    so God protects and fights for us. When we put our trust in God, we will be carried through
    all the attacks of our enemies, even if that means being carried safely into eternal life.
  • Apr 30, 2021Anchored Disciples
    Apr 30, 2021
    Anchored Disciples
    What an exciting Sunday - it’s Confirmation Sunday! Our three Confirmation students will all share their faith testimonies and publicly commit to follow Jesus. We will discover how those who choose to follow Jesus must anchor their lives on Him as their sure and solid rock. We will worship outdoors! Bring a hat and lawn chair, or there will also be spaces for drive-in worship.
  • Apr 26, 2021Final Fire
    Apr 26, 2021
    Final Fire
    Series: Strange FIre
    God’s fire burns throughout the Bible, and we see it dramatically at the End Times in Revelation. But what is the purpose of God’s burning fire at the Last Day? It’s not for punishment! Rather, it’s for purity. We invite God’s fire to purify us, and then it lights a fire under us to go live today by sharing the joy of Jesus with others.